About Us


Welcome to our custom furniture maker and woodworking page, we are excited you’re here! 

My name is Dustin Rone, and I have been in the carpentry field for about 25 years now, and starting DRONEWORKS in 2005 (long before the little flying contraptions were becoming so popular). The name came from a combination of my first initial and my last name and a general approach to making and building whatever is necessary.

I enjoy getting to create and design pieces of furniture that fit someone’s space and needs perfectly. For example, when we bought our first house in 2019, my wife and I immediately realized that we were going to need to be creative with how we were going to design and organize our 850 square foot house. For anyone living in a smaller home, you know how important it is to utilize every single space you have, and to make it completely functional. Simple, clean designs are important as well for an uncluttered, peaceful environment.

So together we designed our unique combination kitchen/laundry, tiny pantry, a bed frame with extra drawers for clothes underneath, adding cabinets in the living area, and many more projects still to come in order to make it perfect for us.

And that’s what we want to for you! Everyone should be able to walk in their home and have it fit all their needs and wants and to have it feel like theirs.

Let us help you make your home your favorite place. We can help you live more comfortably and thrive! We are a two-person company, and we make the time and effort to turn your vision into a reality.

So take a look through the gallery of some of our previous custom pieces or email us with your ideas and desires, and thanks for coming to meet us!

We look forward to making something for you.